Interstellar Boats


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  • Made an old project public on the tube.
    • The few comments of feedback have been amazing. Not always intentionally constructive, but all feed back can be made constructive.
  • On that note, rendering/game engines are currently interesting.
    • Deciding where to focus is difficult, Unreal Engine and Bevy are the current wildly different choices, so deciding to focus on one necessarily means not focusing much on the other.
  • This blog continues to evolve.


  • Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
    • So far: Great, difficult to read on a train without missing my stop. Need to schedule reading time outside of public transport for it.
      • Edit: Rather than schedule time, I read the last half of the book the day after this update. I maintain that it is a fantastic book, and can easily recommend it.
    • Very different from the Foundation series by Isaac Asmiov which I finished late last year, and was excellent .
  • Entirely too much minimalism tube
    • Inevitable in times of turbulent travel. Packing up life into a bag is a fascinating challenge.
    • Probably too much of the rest of the tube as well.
  • Nightfall and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov
    • This is on deck, and given that it was checked out from the library it has given all active books a deadline.


  • "Giving up" on VS Code
    • Neovim is probably enough for code editing at this point.
    • Zed exists as an alluring alternative as well
    • Local git management is primarily where my flow could use some work for both of the above, maybe a search for a dedicated git app should be underway.
  • Want to post more often
    • A whole post seems annoying to do for each of these though. So now we have the now page, inspired by, and All of whom have been added to ~.
    • This format of now is loosely derived from my first internship's daily log, so shout out to Drew and Heather for starting me on that, and the rest of the team there for enjoying my rambles.