Interstellar Boats


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  • Working on some spotify data analysis based on the existing your_spotify tool.
    • Ideally that will handle the tracking, since it can also import history. Then we will can use their api for our own fun.
    • The hold up on this is spotify's lifetime data export, which can take up to 30 days. No rush though on this so it's alright.
  • Prototyping a game. Well, more trying to use Unreal Engine to test mechanics, may move to Godot or Bevy in the future if Unreal ends up being too heavy.
  • Music, mostly tinkering with stuff though, nothing for the world to hear any time soon.


  • Nightfall and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov
    • Each of these has been a thinker to some extent or another, only about half way through so far.
    • Asimov's preamble about the atomic bomb's effect in science fiction writing was fascinating. It's when when the lines began blurring between the distant future and "tomorrow" for him and many other writers. A middle ground may be impossible, as eventually that length of time or amount of progress passes and what was once science fiction becomes either an impossibility or a fact of life.
  • Played some Games:
    • Reflex Arena
      • Haven't played a Quake-like game in forever. Terrible at them but they're ridiculous and fun, regardless of skill.
      • An online competitive Tetris, which was more heated than Reflex Arena.
    • Raft
      • Joined a few friends late on this. Much more calm. One "level" explored simultaneously a fear of heights and of depths. May be reading into it too much, but intentional or not it was fantastic. Can't speak to the rest of the game as there is a lot of early game left to explore.


  • Nothing to note. Head's been empty and anything outside work has been a struggle. Other than the noodling above, there hasn't been much real progress on projects.
  • Video games as an escape has been fairly nice, especially while its still too cold to enjoy exercise alone most days after work.
    • During the depths of covid, going for bike rides after work was great. Getting those started now is a bit more difficult though. Trails around here also don't have as nice of a destination.