Interstellar Boats

Now - Summer Part 2

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Summer lasts too long here. Too hot, too warm, too third thing. But the heat has finally begun to break and I can contemplate clearly again.


A Handwritten Notes "App"

Added handwritten notes to some pages. Click off to the side if you feel like giving them a shot. They'll reset on reload of the page, and there's no other way to erase them. I haven't tried them on an iPad, however it does seem like the best use case for this features.

Doodle at your own risk.

Desk Tinkering

Reworking the office studio. Through a messy move, I've come into possession of a third monitor which I've been trying to fit into my desk setup. The current approach is a vertical monitor on the left, with two horizontal monitors in the middle, and laptop on the right

See the below attached image for a good representation, captured using Eli's Pico cam , for that amazing dithered effect.

A very unclear picture of my setup, primarily highlighting the 3 monitors as described above. There is a fourth unexplained monitor, which is actually just blocking the lamp from directly shining on me.

This will be messed with again, but it's a fairly large change to my desk, and was a fun bit of relaxed tinkering and re-cabling so was worth noting here.



"A Beautifully Foolish Endeavour" by Hank Green

  • The narrative passed between characters was great in this context, as every new chapter was also .
  • The commentary on current events is hilarious, and the failure of many of those advances in technology in real life is fascinating, especially compared to the life destroying success they see in the book.

    (Granted the technology now is at most aspiring for what is described in the book, so perhaps in the future there is more to worry about)

  • The ending was very sweet. As a software engineer, the idea of retiring to a life living off on the side of a mountain far from society is appealing. The impact on the world lost, but the impact from the world minimized, with a comfortable lack of impact going forward.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

  • This show is fantastic an dives headfirst into that feeling of nostalgia, and creates a vibe beyond belief. I definitely watched it before these last few months, but managed to complete a re-watch of it as well, which is just about the highest praise I can give a show.

Delicious in Dungeon

  • This show was fun, and I'll keep watching as more seasons come out but don't have much to say about it.



  • There something about underscore's music that resonates with me. The catchiest upbeat pop, mixed with the incredibly 'I don't want to listen to this in public' lyrics create a unique vibe. Maybe I'm someone who revels in discomfort, but their music is calling several levels of society, and putting their stories to probably the best pop music being produced today.


Pluralistic's approach to analytics is fantastic, in that there is no need. The feedback received from the articles is enough to gauge the interest on the insights within.

Having said that, this site sees no traffic. The goatcounter has provided essentially no value and rather than let something sit passively collecting the occasional click, I've decided to remove it. It works well enough and provides any bit of info that I could want, but if basically everything is a 0, then there's not much purpose to it.

I'll worry about how much impact the site is causing when it has any impact. For now as far as I'm concerned I'm the only one on here. And while you dear listener, may not be worth counting, you are still greatly appreciated.